Management of STEPwin Portfolios
Performance of
The best strategies listed at STEPinFi of independent traders from more than 150 countries.
Management of STEPwin Portfolios
Performance of
The best strategies listed at STEPinFi of independent traders from more than 150 countries.




Invested in STEPwins


fees distributed


HNI Investors

Invest in liquid alpha strategies

Professional investment funds assign 5-15% of their portfolio to liquid alpha assets.

The STEPwin backtesting tool shows the return, the P&L, the performance and management fees, and the final equity that any STEPwin investment portfolio would have generated. Set the starting date of the simulation, the invested capital, and the leverage.

Model portfolio

Create your first portfolio at STEPinFi with virtual funds using our backtesting tool. Select STEPwins, evaluate past return/risk ratios, and monitor the portfolio's evolution over time. This gives you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the platform without risking any capital.

The risk management engine ensures the target volatility of each STEPwin is similar to that of an equity index.

STEPwin execution enjoys 60% cheaper commissions than retail. Lower transaction costs add up to higher returns.

The risk management engine ensures the target volatility of each STEPwin is similar to that of an equity index.

Analyze and filter STEPwin assets according to your own portfolio management criteria. STEPinFi analyses the 12 attributes that make up the DNA of a strategy, in a way analogous to that of fundamental analysis of a traditional share.